Join us for an evening of live music, food, and fun to benefit the Niagara Aerospace Museum!

Tickets & Sponsorship Information
Presenting Sponsor $5,000
- Name & logo included in the event advertising as presenting sponsor
- Name & logo featured on the event page on the Niagara Aerospace Museum website
- Name & logo featured in the event invitation.
- Name mentioned in all media promoting the event, including paid marketing materials.
- Name or logo on a banner hung at the event.
- Premier table for 6 at the event.
- Sponsor name mentioned throughout the event by the MC and other speakers.
- Full page ad on the inside front cover of the event program book
- Name/Logo signage featured on:
- The event web page
- Table centerpieces
- On the video during the event
- Company logo displayed on the event invitation (Deadline: 07/01/24)
- Website acknowledgment and social media posts on Niagara Aerospace Museum’s Facebook and Instagram
- 20 adult admission passes to the Niagara Aerospace Museum
Event Sponsor $2,500
- Name featured as event sponsor
- Name or logo on a banner hung at the event.
- Premier table for 6 at the event
- Full page ad in the event program book
- Name/Logo signage featured on:
- The event web page
- Table centerpieces
- Company logo displayed on the event invitation (Deadline: 07/01/24)
- Website acknowledgment and social media posts on Niagara Aerospace Museum’s Facebook and Instagram
- 20 adult admission passes to the Niagara Aerospace Museum
Featured Table Sponsor $1,000
- Table for 6 guests at the event
- Half page ad in the event program book
- Name or logo mentioned in the program book
- Website acknowledgment and social media posts on Niagara Aerospace Museum’s Facebook and Instagram
Table Sponsor $600
- Table for 6 guests at the event
- Name or logo mentioned in the program book
Community Partner Organization $250
- Two event tickets
- Quarter page ad in the program book.
Couples Ticket $200
- Two event tickets
Individual Ticket $125
- One event ticket
Program Book Ads
Inside Covers (only 2 available) $800